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The Benefits of HVAC Service and Maintenance

Getting regular HVAC service and maintenance can ensure that your system is running properly. This helps to save you money and protect your investment. The benefits of routine maintenance include a more energy-efficient system and a longer lifespan for your unit. It may also extend your warranty if you have a manufacturer’s warranty.

One of the best ways to keep your system functioning properly is to change the air filter. This keeps dust and debris out of your air conditioner or furnace and helps to prolong its life. It’s also a good idea to clean the coils, which are located inside the unit. Dirty coils can make your unit work harder, reducing its efficiency.

Using the proper tools is also an important part of performing maintenance. If you’re not sure how to get the job done right, you should hire a professional. Working with electricity is dangerous, and a minor mistake can lead to expensive repairs. For example, a circuit breaker may trip for no apparent reason. You should also check your air filter to see if it needs replacing.

A quick check of your furnace or AC unit will help you to determine if there are any carbon monoxide leaks or other problems. Generally, a technician can perform an inspection in less than an hour. They will look at the voltage, currents, sight glass and the main components of the system. They will check the thermostat to make sure it’s set to the correct temperature and will clean it if necessary.

There are plenty of other ways to maintain your HVAC system, including cleaning the air ducts and condensate drain. The best way to reduce your repair costs is to change your air filters on a regular basis. You should change the filter at least once per year, depending on the type and frequency you use your HVAC system.

The best time to have your furnace or AC unit serviced is during the winter. Most companies offer discounts during this time of year. Whether you have a new or old unit, a routine checkup will be worth your while.

You may also want to consider a service contract. You can find a variety of plans on the market, from annual maintenance to quarterly visits. Some manufacturers even cover parts and labor, making this a smart way to stay on top of your HVAC system’s health. However, be sure to read the fine print before signing on the dotted line. Some contracts even come with special deals for mid-winter services.

A typical maintenance program will cost you around $75 to $200. You can also pay a bit more to have your system checked out by a certified technician. These professionals will have the knowledge, experience and the tools to get the job done.

Taking care of your HVAC system is a must if you don’t want to end up with a huge bill in the future. A routine tune-up is the best way to prevent the need for costly repairs and give you peace of mind.

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